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Islam and Current Issues

UICI 2032 – Islam and Current Issues

Course Synopsis

The course acquaints student with various topics on current issues and the Islamic approaches to overcome the problems and the challenges. The topic comprise discussions on globalization, clash of Eastern and Western civilizations, moral decadency, ethical issues in science and technology, economic issues, development and environmental issues, postmodernism, governance and administration, issues that challenge the credibility of Islam, as well as fundamentalism and extremism. issues pertaining to the ethic relations and ethnic chauvinism and the current challenges of Muslim people will also be discussed. At the end of the course, student will be able to explain the Islamic views pertaining to current issues and able to provide answers and alternatives to the problems by referring to the Islamic principles. They are also able to work in team and equip themselves with communication and problem solving skills.

Sinopsis Kursus

Kursus ini memperkenalkan pelajar kepada pelbagai isu semasa dan cara penyelesaiannya menurut Islam. Ia membincangkan tentang Isu-isu Globalisasi dan Pertembungan Peradaban Timur dan Barat; Gejala-gejala Dkadensi Moral, faktor-faktor dan penyelesaiannya; Isu-isu Etika dalam Sains dan Teknologi; Isu-isu Ekonomi, Pembangunan dan Alam Sekitar, Isu-isu Pemikiran Pasca Modernisme, Isu-isu Pemerintahan dan Pentadbiran; Isu-isu yang Mencabar Kewibawaan Islam serta Isu-Isu Fundamentalisme dan Ekstrimisme. Isu-isu hubungan etnik dan Chauvinisme Ras serta cabaran-cabaran semasa masyarakat Islam turut dibincangkan. Di akhir kursus ini pelajar dapat menghuraikan prinsip-prinsip Ilsam terhadap isu-isu semasa, mengemukakan alternatif dan jalan penyelesaian terhadap persoalan-persoalan-persoalan semasa berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip dan kaedah Islam. Pelajar juga berkemampuan bekerja dalam kumpulan, menyelesaikan masalah dan memiliki kemahiran berkomunikasi yang berkesan.

Muat turun ‘lesson Plan‘ here.