The 12th Language for Specific Purposes International Seminar 2021 (LSP 2021) is hosted by Language Academy, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. It will be held on 6 – 7 December 2021 on a virtual platform.
Based on the theme “Language in Practice: Making a Difference” this seminar would provide an avenue for the discussion and deliberation of pertinent issues related to language use, practice and research in various language for specific purposes contexts.
The keynote address will be delivered by Prof. Barry O’Sullivan of the British Council, London while Prof. Zuraidah Mohd. Don of UTM will give a plenary talk on “Implementing the CEFR-aligned Policy in the Classroom”. The CEO of Asia to Japan, Mr. Masato Sanpei will also give a talk from the perspective of the industry. There will be other plenary speakers too from the Asian region who have been invited.
We are pleased to invite academics, professionals, language practitioners, teachers, teacher trainers, postgraduates, representatives from government agencies, industries, and corporate bodies to come on board and participate, and/or submit abstracts for presentations at the LSP 2021 International Seminar.
Important Dates:
• 8 November 2021 – Deadline for extended abstract
• 15 November 2021 – Notification of acceptance
• 22 November 2021 – Submission of video
• 22 November 2021 – Deadline for payment for participants and presenters
Local International
Participants RM 100 USD 30
Presenters RM 150 USD 40
Student Presenters RM 120 USD 35
Email: lsp2021@utm.my