Current Position in Faculty
Assoc. Professor, Deputy Dean, Research, Innovation, Development, and Alumni
Years of Service in UTM
Background of Research Area
Fauzi Hussin is an associate professor at the Academy of Islamic Civilisation, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He is a Ph.D. holder from Durham University specializing in Political Economy. He earned his master’s degree in economics and Bachelor of Syariah (Islamic Economics), both from University of Malaya, Malaysia. His main research interests include the Middle Eastern countries’ relation with the countries in South East Asia, Islamic Political Economy as well as Islamic Economics and Finance. He has authored and co-authored more than 30 journal articles published in various reputable journals. He is also a chief editor for UMRAN – International Journal of Islamic and Civilisational Studies. He has been concentrating his research in the areas of Muslim countries’ relationships, halal businesses, and the certification as well as issues related to Islamic Economics. His main research interests include the political economy of the Arab Gulf and Middle East countries’ relation with South East Asia, Islamic Political Economy, and Islamic Finance. His work has focused primarily on the Arab gulf’s relation with South East Asian countries, issues of Islamic economics and finance as well as related issues to the Arab Gulf economic development. The research is also extended into Muslim behaviours towards markets and etc. He is also active in advocating society and academia through publication and policy recommendation. He has contributed and presented a number of articles, essays, chapters in book, conferences, and seminars at both local and international levels. https://people.utm.my/mohdfauziabu/
Achievement in Research
Dr. Fauzi’s has secured numbers of research grants from government agency as well as internal grants from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Yayasan Pembangunan Darul Takzim (YPKDT). https://people.utm.my/mohdfauziabu/journal-papers/ https://people.utm.my/mohdfauziabu/completed-projects/
Current Research (any Project)
Pembangunan Modul Keluarga Sejahtera Negeri Johor Funded By Yayasan Pembangunan Darul Takzim (YPKDT). This project is a two years consultation to produce a modul for Family in Johor and from the project, it has successfully produced a Modul Called Modul Keluarga Sejahtera Negeri Johor Funded By Yayasan Pembangunan Darul Takzim (YPKDT).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi Abu @ Hussin
Ph.D. Islamic Political Economy (Durham University)
MEc (Universiti Malaya)
BSh. (Hons) (Universiti Malaya)
Email: mohdfauziabu@utm.my
Website: https://people.utm.my/mohdfauziabu/