30 September 2020 – The Virtual Language and Communication Postgraduate International Seminar (VLCPIS), organised by the Language Academy, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UTM on 21 September 2020, was a success. This one-day seminar was organised by a group of postgraduate students of LA, headed by PhD student Ms. Nurhidayah Mohd Sharif and guided by PGSS LA advisors Dr. Farhana Abu Bakar and Dr Nur ‘Ain Balqis Haladin. The seminar received participation not only from UTM students but also from other universities around the world, with a total of 47 presenters.

This seminar provided an avenue for researchers, lecturers, and students to share their work with the academic community while also highlighting recent issues and challenges related to the language and communication fields. What differentiated this seminar from the two previous LCPISs is that it was conducted completely virtually through the Webex platform. Participation to the seminar was also free, as long as the participants had access to the invitation link. All presentations were evaluated by a panel of experienced judges and awards will be given to the three best presenters. All extended abstracts of the seminar will be blind-reviewed and later published in the VLCPIS 2020 e-Proceedings.

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