LAFC and SoWell are organizing Iftar or break fasting and we would like to invite you and your family to join us for this event.

Details are as follows:

Date: 20 June 2017

Venue: Bilik Seminar 1

Tentative Agenda:
6: p.m. Arrival of guests and family members
6:15 p.m. khatam Quran
7:00 p.m. Short Tazkirah
7:12 p.m. Break fasting/Magrib Prayers
8:15 p.m. End

Kindly RSVP your participation at or you can inform Farha or myself. We would like to know your participation by 17 July 2017 so that we can estimate the amount of food we would order.

Tentative Main Menu
Briyani or Tomato Rice

Hot beverages


We welcome potluck from you in the form of side dishes or desserts. Please also inform Farha or myself about the dishes/cuisines you’ll like to share with all. You could also inform in the link above.

Again, everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims, are invited to this get-together event so that we can have a good time with food and good company.

Thank you.

Siti Khadijah Binti Abdul Wahab
Language Teacher
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia