National Online Quiz 10 @ MyLinE is back!!!!

Let’s participate in the National Online Quiz 10 in MyLinE.

The competition will run from 28 September to 6 December 2015. We are offering cash money prizes for the competition. The First Prize is RM1000 X 2, 10 X RM500 for 2nd runner-up, 20 X RM300 for 3rd runner-up, 30 X RM200 for 4th runner-up and Mystery Prizes for 40 consolation prize winners. This time round, we have also added 50 lucky draw winners! (5 winners X 10 weeks = 50 winners!).

To participate – Log on to MyLinE. On the Home page of MyLine, click Competition.

Good luck! Please tell your friends about the competition!

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