Nationhood and Social Well-being (NSW) /
Kenegaraan dan Kesejahteraan Sosial (KKS)
Group Leader

Dr. Zulkifli bin Hamisan @ Khair
PM. Dr. Mohd. Azhar Bin Abd Hamid
Dr. Mohd. Sharial Bin Bungsu
Dr. Mohd Koharuddin Bin Mohd Balwi
Dr. Fadilah Binti Zaini
Dr. Azlah Bin Md Ali
Dr. Thuaibah Binti Abu Bakar
Dr. Faizah Fakhruddin
Dr. Muhammed Fauzi Othman
Dr. PM. Dr. Halimah Yusof
Dr. Ruzanna Mohd Shahrin
Dr. Siti Salwa Abdul Patah
Dr. Rabeatul Husna Abdul Rahman
Dr. Yusma Fariza Yasin
The research group has been involved with numerous research and consultations on issues of leadership and social development of the country. We provides experts who can conduct research on politics, leadership, nationhood and culture as well as sociological issues of community development. The Research Area (Niche Area) of this research group in research and consultancy is the field of Social Science involving current issues in Political Science, Sociology, Cultural Anthropology, and Development.
Research Area
1. Leadership, Political system and culture in Malaysia,
2. National Development Policies and impact
3. History and Nationhood,
4. Sociology and cultural anthropology of Malaysian society,
5. Communication and international relations