Bachelor of Psychology with Human Resource Development
























Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

  1. Become a psychology officer or professional with a broad knowledge of the fundamental principles in psychology and human resource development with the abilities to manage human problems within individual, organizational and societal contexts.
  2. Demonstrate the abilities to communicate and work in teams effectively.
  3. Demonstrate high standard of ethical conduct and societal responsibilities in managing human problems within individual, organizational and societal contexts.
  4. Undertake life-long learning and can adapt to the changing environments.


2. Programme Learning Outcomes (PO)








































3. Components of Courses








** Discipline core must cover all 8 Knowledge Areas highlighted in page 14 – 15 (Programme Standard: Psychology)

4. Programme structures and features, curriculum and award requirements

The course is offered in full-time mode and based on 2 semesters for each academic year. The subjects are distributed and sequenced according to the level of knowledge i.e basic to advance. Assessment of students’ performance is based on formative and summative evaluation conducted throughout each semester. The eighth semester is used for industrial training.

  • Award requirements:

    To graduate student should:
    – Achieve a total of 131 credit hours with minimum CPA of 2.0.
    – Pass the Industrial Training (equivalent to 12 credit hours).
    – Complete and pass the Undergraduate Final Year Project (equivalent to 6 credit hours).
    – Complete and pass TECS 1001 and TECS 1002
    – Complete and pass 4 GLL


5. Curriculum Structure

University General Courses (23 Credits)

* Students are required to choose ONE of the courses from UHAK 2xx2 or UICL 2xx2

(Students are given an option to choose 2 courses among the 6 courses listed)



Elective 1: Year 3, Semester 1
Code Course Credit
SHAY 3073 Group Counselling 3
SHAY 3103 Clinical Psychology 3
SHAY 3053 Consumer Psychology 3
Elective 2: Year 4, Semester 1
Code Course Credit
SHAY 4053 Group Communication 3
SHAY 4083 Conflict Management 3
SHAY 4023 Health Psychology 3
  • SHAR 1013: Principles of HRD

The course provides an overview of the Human Resources Development (HRD) function in an organization. This includes the role of the HRD professional, the nature of HRD structure and function, and the planning and operation of HRD. These include, but are not limited to: respect for diversity, commitment to individual growth and development, and connections of individual goals with organizational outcomes.

  • SHAR 1063: Introduction to Management

This course discusses the concepts, theories and techniques of management. This course embedded the basic concepts and theories in the main functions of management: planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

  • SHAR 1073: Introduction to Organizational Behaviour

Organizational behaviour is a core course that discusses the fundamental concept and important aspect regarding people’s behaviour.  The topics covered in this course are organized according to three main parts: (a) individuals in organization which include individual differences, values, attitudes, emotions and moods, perception, learning and creativity, motivation and stress management; (b) group and team process which include work group and teams, and communication; and (c) organizational processes which include culture and ethical behaviour.

  • SHAR 1083: Introduction to HRM

The course provides students with an introduction to the key functions of human resource management in Malaysia. It begins with an overview of Human Resource Management and follows up with more specific discussions on its main functions such as recruitment, placement, training and development, compensation, employee relations, and safety and health.

  • SHAR 1093: Needs Assessment in HRD

This course discusses the concept of training and development in organization, performance problems, training needs, and training and non-training issues in organization. Students will be trained to identify and discuss performance problems in organization, conduct training needs analysis (TNA), and prepare a TNA report.

  • SHAR 1023: Adult Learning

This course discusses conceptual aspects of adult learning. In particular, it includes major theories and models on adult learning, nature of adult learner including adult learning and development, and trends of adult learning. Adult learning knowledge is essential to understand training program development as well as training need analysis. In this course, students will be expected to lead a discussion on implementation of adult learning (formal, non-formal and informal) in real world practice.

  • SHAR 1033: Human Resource Planning

This course is an introduction to human resource planning processes in organizations. It is designed so that students understand how an organization may be aligned through differentiation and integration of its human resources to perform competitively. It provides knowledge and skills on HR forecasting process, techniques to determine supply and demand of human resources, human resource planning costing and evaluation of HR programs.

  • SHAR 1053: Organizational Communication

The course exposes students to organizational process through discussion of relevant theories, challenges face by organizations, as well as examination of organizational members’ relationship. These discussions will allow a modest understanding of how and why organization operates as they do. Upon completion of the class, the student should have a better understanding of managing people, developing teams or groups in organizations, managing conflict in organizations, leading employees, and valuing the challenges of new communication technology.

  • SHAR 2023: Instructional Design

The course discusses on the principles of instructional design theories, learning theories, instructional design model, and process of designing a training program. The course guides students in developing and writing learner profile, task analysis (content analysis) and instructional objective to prepare a comprehensive design document. In addition, the course discusses approaches of content sequencing, instructional strategies development and evaluation of learning in training.

  • SHAR 2033: Industrial Relations Law

This course is designed to equip the students with the relevant laws that govern the relationship between the three main actors in industrial relations – the employer, the employee and the trade union. The key legislations that regulate the employment relationships are the Employment Act 1955, Trade Unions Act 1959 and Industrial Relations Act 1967. This course will focus on workplace protection and benefits and among the topics covered are statutory right to wages, statutory right to the general standard of working time, statutory right to weekly rest day, statutory right to paid public holidays, statutory right to paid annual leave, statutory right to paid sick leave, female’s employee statutory right to maternity protection and statutory right pertaining to termination of employment contract. It also touches on issues on trade unionism specifically regarding its formation, registration, recognition and trade disputes

  • SHAR 2103: Safety And Health at Work

This course discusses the concept of safety and health at the workplace which is a crucial component to organizations competitiveness. Students will be exposed towards integrated safety and health management instead of the traditional safety and health management.

  • SHAR 2113: Cross-cultural Management

This course offers a broad view of current thinking on culture linked to management and organization. The increase in both diversity and globalization in business require organizations to develop cross-cultural competence in order to function effectively. The course focuses on organizational behaviour and human resource issues and practices in cross-cultural environment. The course is divided into three modules: (a) understanding the effects of culture on organization, management, attitudes and behaviour, (b) organizational and human resource issues such as teamwork, leadership, motivation and communication, and (c) preparation for working in or working with people in international assignments.

  • SHAR 2082: Career Development

In this course, students will be exposed to the conceptual aspects of career development in organization, function, programs, career choices, career stages, individual careers, organizational career systems, career management practices, career diversities, and global career. The course emphasized also on issue and research in career development.

  • SHAR 2053: Statistic for Social Science

This course introduces students to basic statistical procedures and concepts used in the social science field. The topics covered include an introduction to statistics, levels of measurement, defining variables, measuring central tendency, measuring dispersion, constructing and interpreting contingency tables, statistical inference and tests of significance, probability distributions and one-sample z and t Tests, two sample t tests, one-way analysis of variance, measuring association in contingency tables, the Chi-Square test, correlation and regression analyses.

  • SHAR 2073: Employment Relations

The module examines the role and objectives of the main actors in employment relations, employers, employees and trade unions, and the government – and the interactions in collective bargaining, employees’ involvement and participation, industrial conflict and industrial discipline. Students will be taken through the principles and purpose as well as the methods of initiating employment relation policies and practices.  Attention is focused on a wide range of practical examples and covers areas such as trade unions, industrial conflict, industrial discipline, current issues in employment relations and impact of globalization on the workplace

  • SHAR 2093: Learning & Development Technologies

Rapid development in information and communication technology challenges training designer and instructor to explore the possibility of using new technology to enhance teaching and learning. This course is designed to encourage students to explore new usage of information and communication technology (ICT) to deliver contents effectively. Some of the topics covered are designing e learning, mobile learning and virtual classroom.

  • SHAR 3013: Program Evaluation
This course introduce to a systematic approach in evaluating training programmes which are being planned as well as those which has already being implemented. Training and program evaluation is vital in ensuring the effectiveness of a training program. Evaluation could be conducted by applying research method and evaluation models which would then be used to make decision to implement, improve or terminate the training programmes. Such methods includes formative, summative or normative evaluation as well as evaluation models such as Stufflebeam Model, Kirkpatrik Model, CIRO etc.

  • SHAR 3033: Introduction to Research Methods

This course introduces students to the basic principles of research methods in Psychology. The focus of the course is on students learning how to do research in Psychology, with an emphasis on student-centred activities and problem solving. Students will learn about such key concepts as the scientific method; operationalizing constructs; independent and dependent variables; data types and ways of measurement; confounding variables; experimental and non-experimental design; questionnaire construction; developing and testing hypotheses; descriptive statistics and describing data graphically; and the ethics of research.

  • SHAR 3023: Human Resource Information System

This course exposes students to the use of Computer-Based Information Systems (CIBS) in facilitating the achievement of competitive advantage of an organization. This is where the competitive advantages is achieved through the application of advanced technology. The course discusses Human Resource Information System (HRIS) model and how the systems aids human resource practitioner in implementing HR task more efficiently through the use of information technology

  • SHAR 3133: Performance Management System and Employee Development

This course covers theories and practical aspects of implementation of performance management system and employee development. Specifically, some of the topics that will be discussed are performance management process and strategic planning, performance improvement plan and performance management skills. Students will be exposed to various measurement approach.

  • SHAR 3143: Finance for HRD

The course discusses the aspect of finance in human resource development that is crucial in planning the training and development programs in organization. It emphasizes the interpretation of financial statements and the aspect of financial analysis in HRD interventions.

  • SHAR 3042: Undergraduate Project (Proposal)
This course is designed to give student an experience to conduct research related to the field of their study. Students will be guided to diagnose problems, investigate the background of the problems, decide the sample and subject as well as the methodology and approach of the study. Student will also be trained to review past research to develop a conceptual framework.


  • SHAR 3153: Ethics and Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is an ethical framework and suggests that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems.


  • SHAR 4013: Organizational Development

This course is intended to expose students on change and organizational development in organizations. Topics taught would include theories and models of change, OD practitioner, diagnosis, intervention, change management and institutionalization & evaluation.

  • SHAR 4023: Consultancy for HRD

This course is intended to equip students with the knowledge and skills to secure and carry out a HRD program successfully. Therefore this course is divided into two parts. The first part would cover the topic on consultancy in HRD and the second part would deal with managing the HRD project.

  • SHAR 4014: Undergraduate Project (Report)

This is the implementation of the proposed project. Students collect and analyze the collected data to answer the objectives. The write up should be done systematically based on specified writing format

  • SHAR 4033: Compensation and benefit
This course covers theories and practical aspects of compensation strategies and employee benefits. Specifically, some of the topics that will be discussed are the salary and wage determinants, job evaluation, and administrating and controlling the pay program. Students will also be exposed to incentive schemes and retirement benefit.


  • SHAR 4043: Training Management

In this course, students will learn about the process involve in managing a training unit/department/centre. Students will also be equipped with the knowledge and skills to manage a training programme which includes the analysis of training needs, preparation of module, budget, pre and post administration, marketing, and evaluation. It is expected that by the end of this course, students will be able to confidently manage a training programme.

  • SHAR 4028: Industrial Training (Practical)

Industrial training is an essential component in the development of the practical skills required by a student prior to graduation. It is also an aspect of education that integrates knowledge with planned and supervised career-related work experience processes. The purpose of the course is to develop and strengthen the students’ educational and career preparation. It allows the students to understand the connection between what is studied and how it is applied in the real world.  It also exposes the students to the interpersonal relationships a job requires, both with co-workers and superiors that are essential in obtaining a successful and satisfying career.

  • SHAR 4034: Industrial Training (Report)

Students are expected to submit a report and present on the activities and experience they went through.


  • SHAY 3043: Behaviour modification
This course is aimed to expose students to approaches in changing employee behaviour in an organisation. The emphasis of this course includes introduction to characteristics and principles of behaviour and non-behaviour, identifying problematic behaviour, application of the principles of behaviour modification consisted of reinforcement, extinction, punishment, control stimulation, and economic token, application of the behaviour modification procedures consisted of shaping, fading and chaining. Besides, this course explains the method for changing the behaviour of the respondents or cognitive behaviour, and behaviour modification ethics.


  • SHAR 3193: Strategic Planning

A well thought and developed strategic plan helps to set priorities, acquire and allocate the resources needed to achieve organizational goals. This course is intended to elaborate knowledge and tools needed to develop and implement a comprehensive strategic plan for an organization. Based on gradual approach, topics will include foundations and raison d’etre of strategic planning; preparation for strategic planning; developing clear vison and mission; conducting environmental scanning; designing strategic plan; implementing a solid strategic plan; reviewing strategic plan; and organization and human issues that hinders and facilitate the process of strategic planning.


  • SHAR 3163: Industrial Counselling


This course provides awareness to students regarding the needs to apply counselling approaches in assisting and understanding problems faced by employees in industries. This course discusses the definitions of counselling, qualities in counselling relationship, theories of counselling, basic counselling skills, career counselling, counselling process and its relationship with common employee challenges.  Ethics is also part and parcel of this course. At the end of the course, students would be able to apply the approaches of counselling not only at their workplaces, but also in daily lives.




  • SHAR 3173: Creativity and Innovation in Organization

This course presents the concepts, theories, principles and strategies in creativity and innovation. The aim of this course is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to manage innovation at the operational and strategic level of the organization. Among the topics that will be lectured include important of innovation at company and nation level, generating creative ideas through various techniques, important issues in managing innovation, product development and intellectual property


  • SHAR 3083: Industrial Supervision

This course is designed to focus on the basic aspects of industrial supervision. It covers supervising change, performance management, conflict resolution, and problem solving in organization. The topics include the roles of supervisor in planning, organizing, controlling, supervisory leadership, communications, employee motivation, handling staff discipline, employee training and development.


  • SHAR 3183: Leadership

Leadership is an important function of management which helps to maximize efficiency and to achieve organizational goals. Thus, this constitutes the main reason why the study of leadership is indispensable, and this, both from a practical and a theoretical point of view. Leaders need to have skills in influencing the behavior of their followers towards the achievement of organizational goals. Therefore, every head of an organization that serves as a leader must apply the functions and powers as the leader with the appropriate leadership style. In addition, communication skills, coaching and mentoring, ethical governance, and conflict management skills are crucial to leaders. Hence, this course examine leadership theory and practice, and emphasizing the development of leadership and interpersonal skills through role-playing activities, assessment of case analysis, and experiential exercises.


  • SHAR 3093: Negotiation Skill
The purpose of this course is to understand the theory and processes of negotiation as it is practiced in a variety of settings. Negotiation is the art and science of securing an agreement between two or more independent parties. This course focuses on understanding the behavior of individuals, groups and organizations in the context of competitive situations.








  • SHAY 2023: Industrial Psychology

Industrial psychology is a science of people at work. This subject has applied psychological principles and theories to the workplace. It is concern on employees’ knowledge, skill, abilities and other aspects related to job performance. Most of the topics in industrial psychology have employed scientific principles and methodologies in order to understand human at workplace. Students will be provided hands-on experiences in administrating specific industrial psychological test commonly used in selection process. Scope of industrial psychology including job analysis, personnel selection, the development of performance assessment and training at workplace.



  • SHAR 3123: HRD from Islamic Perspective


This course discusses the basic concepts of human resource development from the Islamic perspective. This will begin with a revision of the concept of Islam as a system of life, the conceptual explanation of human and his/her capabilities and its development. This includes the discussion of the scope of HRD in Islam, organizational employee development in Islam, the concepts of man and human capital, holistic human development as well as incorporating Islamic element in performance development and evaluation. It will also view the prominent role of training and development in enhancing the workforce through Islamic systems and values. The view of employee development and performance from the Islamic perspective is one that is more holistic and inclusive and could affect profoundly the field of HRD. The course will also help the students in evaluating current and past organizational efforts in infusing Islamic values and system in the workforce including assessing government policies such as the Dasar Penerapan Nilai-nilai Islam, Islam Hadhari and Pendekatan Wasathiyah. It will also enable students to understand the various roles and achievements of the agencies and bodies related to developing human resources through the Islamic practices.