Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) (unm.ac.id) is a public university located in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Established in 1961, UNM has become one of the leading educational institutions in the Eastern Indonesia region. The campus offers various academic programs in fields such as education, social sciences, sciences, and technology. With a focus on human resource development and research, UNM has played a significant role in producing quality graduates who contribute to societal and national development. UNM’s commitment to quality education is reflected in its ongoing efforts to enhance academic standards and innovation in the learning process.

Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) is a public institution of higher education that provides services in pedagogical as well as non-pedagogical courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students, research in, but not limited to, education of various fields, multiculturalism, management and technical as well as vocational spheres. The University has Constantly involved in Educating the Nation with the slogan “Educate and Dignify the Nation”.

Formerly a teacher’s college, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) is a comprehensive university that currently offers diverse fields such as educational sciences, education-based disciplines, religion, humanities, and social sciences, both pure and applied sciences. Given its wider mandate, UPI also grows in the academic community the value of cross-fertilization of pure and applied disciplines. UPI produces teachers, education personnel, scientists, and experts in all higher education programs supported by religious piety and excellent global competitiveness and disseminates science and technology to improve people’s welfare.

Albukhary International University (AIU) is a private nonprofit education institution, a fully residential campus with state-of-the-art facilities. It provides a conducive living and learning environment for self-discovery, nurturing relationships and building understanding on global issues. At AIU, students are exposed to a holistic educational approach through a combined academic and social engagement programme which is carried out throughout the study period. Our mission is to Provide opportunity to serve humanity through social business in a redesigned learning environment.

Universitas Negeri Malang is one of reputable university in Indonesia, located at Malang, East Java. Having identity “the excellence in learning innovation, Universitas Negeri Malang has vision to become an excellent institution and reference in the fields of education, science, technology, and humanities. Being accredited nationally and internationally, UM provides learning environment to optimize the potential of the students to master in their field as an agent of change and problem solver.

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), a Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institution, holds an “Excellent” accreditation and prioritizes collaboration with national and international partners to enhance students’ learning experiences. With a focus on molding morally upright and knowledgeable individuals in line with Muhammadiyah’s educational goals, UAD’s motto is “Moral and Intellectual Integrity.” The university offers a diverse range of faculties, study programs, and research opportunities to enrich students’ academic journey. Located in Yogyakarta, UAD benefits from a conducive educational environment, ensuring easy access to public facilities and fostering a culture of learning.