IICE 2023 Speakers: Keynote

Keynote 1

Title: STEM Education: What can you Contribute?

Speaker: Assoc Prof Dr Johari Surif

Institution: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Webex link: https://utm.webex.com/join/fss3.webex


Over the past few years, STEM has been gaining more traction in education. It is without a doubt an important component to give a competitive edge to our students to succeed in the real world. However, the responsibility of STEM education does not only fall on the shoulders of education. Many other stakeholders also play a pivotal role in ensuring it is a success and up to par to the demands of the 21 century. This keynote will address the roles and influence of different parties to ensure the sustainability of Science, Technology, Engineering , Mathematics,  education to fulfill the needs of the new era.


Title: “DeCoRe+ Methodology: An Innovative Approach to Infusing Sustainable Development Goals and ICT into Teacher Education Curriculum”

Speaker: Prof Dr Munirah Ghazali

Institution: Albukhary International University

Webex link: https://utm.webex.com/meet/mohamad.ikram


Education is pivotal in catalysing a radical transformation through an alternative development model centred on sustainable well-being. As dynamic agents of societal change, educators, researchers, lecturers, and students at the higher education institution (HEI) level, are responsible for cultivating a profound understanding of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) practices, both now and in the future. This understanding is instrumental in shaping a sustainable culture within university students and their broader communities.This workshop advocates for systematic integration of SDGs within teacher education, advocating for enhancing existing subjects through the infusion of relevance, meaning, and quality rather than introducing new courses. Central to this endeavour is the presentation of the DeCoRe+ Methodology, a dynamic framework proposed by Makrakis, 2017 designed to facilitate the infusion of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into teacher education curricula. Concrete examples will be drawn from the Mathematics Teaching Methods Course at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).


Title:  Using Innovative Technology for Your Research

Speaker: Ts Dr Mohd Fadzil bin Hanid

Institution: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Webex link: https://utm.webex.com/join/fss3.webex


 In the dynamic landscape of contemporary research, the integration of innovative technology stands as a pivotal catalyst for transformative progress. This presentation explores the profound impact of leveraging cutting-edge technological tools in the realm of academic inquiry. From database searches and reference management to writing and publishing articles in journals, the utilization of innovative technology has redefined the boundaries of what is achievable. Join us to delve into inspiring examples of how researchers are harnessing technology to unravel new dimensions of knowledge and reshape the future of scholarly exploration.

Title: When Cultures Meet Mathematics

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, S.Si., M.Pd.

Institution: Universitas Ahmad Dahalan

Webex Link: https://utm.webex.com/meet/ibnajalilah


Freudhental’s idea of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) and D’Ambrosio’s idea of Ethnomathematics must share some common principles. Both aim to create mathematics learning that eases students to understand concepts by discovering them and makes them understand the use of mathematics in response to their surrounding reality. I have implemented the RME by utilizing real contexts in mathematics learning all this time. However, the contexts have been used just to reinvent the mathematics concept, not explored further to earn the socio-cultural values which could be internalized by—and are helpful for—students. There have been various attempts to implement Ethnomathematics contexts in mathematics learning. So far, philosophers, researchers, and educators have not yet been comfortable with the role of Ethnomathematics in learning due to the absence of a procedure to implement the explored Ethnomathematics context. This gap inspired me to combine the theory of RME and Ethnomathematics, focus on their advantages, and name it Ethno-Realistic Mathematics Education (E-RME). This research aims to develop a theoretical framework of E-RME using an integrative literature review to fill the gap. The results could be a basis for researchers to implement RME using previously explored Ethnomathematics contexts. As a result, I could expect an exemplary implementation of RME, rich in socio-cultural values used to build the student’s character and ethics in utilizing science, especially mathematics.