+607-5534026 +607-5532206 humanities@utm.my

Chemistry Education(MPK)


Students are required to complete a total of 45 Credit Hours according to the following course elements

University Compulsory Course: U– xxx3 (3 Credits)
Faculty Compulsory Courses    : MPPU 1024    Research Methods in Education  (4 Credits)
MPPU 1034    Application of Statics in Educational Research (4 Credits)
  MPPU 1003    Innovations in Learning and Teaching  (3 Credits)

*Except for MPB : MPPB 1243   Counselling Practicum (3 Credits)

Research Project MPPU 1105   Research Study 1
MPPU 1205   Research Study 2



Course Category Code Course Credit
University Elective UHF 6033 Dynamics of Leadership (for Malaysian students) 3
(1 course) UHZ 6313 /
UHZ 6323
Malay Language I / II (for foreign students of Malay Origin – Indonesia, Brunei / Singapore) 3
UHZ 6113 /
UHZ 6123
Malaysia Culture I / II (for other foreign students) 3
Faculty Compulsory MPU 0020 Research Methodology in Education HW
(Short course)
Master Project Thesis (Minimum 2 Semesters) 37
Total Credit 40



Course Category Code Course Credit
University Elective UHF 6033 Dynamics of Leadership (for Malaysian students) 3
(1 course) UHZ 6313 /
UHZ 6323
Malay Language I / II (for foreign students of Malay Origin – Indonesia, Brunei / Singapore) 3
UHZ 6113 /
UHZ 6123
Malaysia Culture I / II (for other foreign students) 3
Faculty Core MPU 1024 Research Methods in Education 1 HW
PPS 2203 Design and Implementation of Chemistry Curriculum 3
Program Core MPS 1303 Models of Chemistry Teaching and Learning 3
(4 courses) MPS 1343 Computers in Chemistry Education 3
MPS 1053 Testing and Evaluation in Science and Mathematics Education 3
MPS 1313 Problem Solving in Chemistry 3
Program Electives MPS 1163 Epistemological, Social and Ethical Issues in Science & Technology 3
(Choose one course) PPS 2393 Current Issues in Chemistry Education 3
MPS 1353 Innovation and Creativity in Chemistry Education 3
Dissertation(Minimum 2 semester)
Full Time Part Time Semester / Year
MPK1180 MPK1190 Semester 1 Year 1 (Semester 1)
MPK1280 MPK1290 Semester 2 Year 1 (Semester 2)
MPK2180 MPK2190 Semester 1 Year 2 (Semester 3)
MPK2280 MPK2290 Semester 2 Year 2 (Semester 4)
MPK3180 MPK3190 Semester 1 Year 3 (Semester 5)
MPK3280 MPK3290 Semester 2 Year 3 (Semester 6)
MPK4180 MPK4190 Semester 1 Year 4 (Semester 7)
MPK4280 MPK4290 Semester 2 Year 4 (Semester 8)
Total Credit 40


MPPU 1024    Research Methods in Education  (4 Credits)

MPPU 1034    Application of Statics in Educational Research (4 Credits)

MPPU 1003    Innovations in Learning and Teaching  (3 Credits)

*Except for MPB : MPPB 1243   Counselling Practicum (3 Credits)