About The Book

About The
DEMI LANGKAH merupakan sebuah buku panduan untuk menggunakan perisian SmartPLS yang semakin mendapat tempat dan menjadi pilihan yang popular dalam kalangan penyelidik dan pelajar khususnya dalam bidang sains sosial.
Buku ini telah dihasilkan dan disusun secara komprehensif daripada gabungan idea semua penulis berdasarkan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan pengalaman dalam menggunakan SmartPLS serta dapatan yang dirujuk daripada sumber-sumber utama seperti buku yang diterbitkan oleh Hair et al., (2017), Ramayah et al., (2018), Azwadi Ali (2019) dan forum SmartPLS.
Norazwa binti Yeop Kamarudin,
Zool Hilmi bin Mohamed Ashari,
Rohana binti Yaacob,
Azlina binti Mohd Kosnin

About The Book
Psychosocial Implications in Health & Wellbeing: Looking Beyond the Boundaries
In this book, editors collected a set of articles in the field of psychology and counselling, which were presented in the colloquiums and conferences organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UTM in collaboration with SGT University, India and AMU, India (1). FSSH-FBS International Colloquium: Psychosocial Issues in Covid-19 Era on 8th December 2021; (2). FSSH-AMU International Colloquium on Socio-Psychological Issues of Learners in Covid-19 Era on 18th May 2022; (3). FBS, SGT – FSSH, UTM organized the International Conference on Psychosocial Implications in Health & Wellbeing: Looking Beyond the Boundaries (PSYHW22) on 2-4 November 2022. Editors hope this book will be useful to readers and will generate interest among researchers in the area of Education, Health Psychology and Counseling, in which the emphasis is on scientifically using new approaches to solve practical problems of human life concerning health issues and COVID-19 issues.

About the author.
Editors, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Aqeel Khan
Fatin Aliah Phang
Mahani Mokhtar
Tan Joo-Siang
Mastura Mahfar
Jamaludin Ramli
Zainudin Hassan
Rozita Jayus
Hassan M. M. Abuhassna
Siti Nisrin Mohd Anis
Editors, SGT University, India
Waheeda Khan
Amra Ahsan
Vikas Sharma
Farhat Jahan
Aastha Dhingra

About The Book
Publication is one of the research outputs to fulfil the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in UTM. Research publication consists of publications in High Impact Journal in Web of Science (WOS), Scopus Indexed Publication, Proceedings, Edited Volume, and Books. Since every academic staff is required to publish in WOS/Scopus indexed publication and proceedings as an individual annual KPI, this year the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH) has made an initiative to conduct a series of workshops on publication to ensure that every academic staff could publish his/her work. The series of workshops includes Writing Abstract, Introduction & Systematic Literature Review, Writing Methodology and Findings, and Writing Discussion and Conclusions.
As a follow up to this, another initiative taken up is to compile the contents of the workshops conducted to form a written guideline for staff and students at FSSH. This publication, aptly named ‘Writing Academic Articles for Social Sciences and Humanities’, is divided into the following topics:
- Writing for Academic Purposes
- Publication Ethics and Ethical Issues
- Writing an Abstract
- Writing an Introduction
- Writing a Systematic Literature Review
- Writing Methodology
- Writing Findings
- Writing Discussion
- Writing Conclusions
Every topic in this book deals with a specific sub-section of a journal article and assists readers to produce an effective writing for suitable for publication. The topic ‘Writing for Academic Purposes’ gives a general overview of academic writing especially in Social Sciences and Humanities Journals. An important aspect of publication is dealt with in the chapter on ‘Publication Ethics and Ethical Issues’. The next topic on ‘Writing an Abstract’ provides a guideline on how to write a summary of a research work to suit the needs of a journal article. ‘Writing an Introduction’ is one of the important sections in a journal article. This topic

About the author.
Wan Mohd Azam Wan Mohd Yunus,
Mohd Fauzi Bin Abu @ Hussin,
Aqeel Khan,
Abdul Halim Abdul Raof,
Shanti C Sandaran,
Noraffandy Bin Yahaya,
Lokman Mohd Tahir, Mansoureh Ebrahimi, Mohammad Naqib Bin Hamdan,
Nur Hazirah Noh@Seth,
Rabeatul Husna Abdull Rahman