Featured Talks & Invited Speakers

27 October 2024- Sunday — 9:30 AM
Prof. Dr. Satoshi Takahashi
Keynote Speech 1 – International Speaker
27 October 2024- Sunday — 11:45 AM
Satoshi Takahashi (September 13, 1951) is a Japanese psychological clinician and clinical psychologist. He is the representative and director of Ashiya Institute of Life Psychology[1], supervisor of school counselors in Hyogo Prefecture[1], visiting professor at Kobe Gakuin University, director of Hyogo Clinical Psychologists Association, and representative of Asian Trauma Counseling Center. Born in Osaka.
高橋 哲(たかはし さとし、1951年9月13日 -)は、日本の心理臨床家・臨床心理士。芦屋生活心理学研究所代表者・所長、兵庫県スクールカウンセラースーパーバイザー、神戸学院大学客員教授、兵庫県臨床心理士会理事、アジアントラウマカウンセリングセンター代表。大阪府出身。

Prof. Dr. Othman Dato’ Haji Mohamed
Keynote Speech 2– National Speaker
Professor Othman Mohamed is a distinguished leader in the field of Counsellor Education and Career Development, renowned for his extensive contributions to counselling practice and research. With a career spanning over four decades, his work has significantly advanced the standards and practices in the counselling profession in Malaysia. Currently serving as a Professor Amal Putra in the Department of Counsellor Education and Counselling Psychology at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Professor Othman’s expertise includes counsellor education and supervision, as well as career development and counselling. His contributions have been pivotal in shaping the accreditation standards for counsellor education and the counselling profession in Malaysia.
Professor Othman is a registered and licensed counsellor under the Malaysian Counsellor Act 580. An accomplished author, Professor Othman has published twelve books on counselling, including two award-winning titles such as Prinsip Psikoterapi dan Pengurusan dalam Kaunseling and Psikologi Kognitif Ad Din: Personaliti dan Teknik Rawatan Kaunseling. His contributions to the field include innovative software inventions for career assessment, such as the OÆSIS™ Career Assessment Suite.
Professor Othman has delivered keynote addresses and conducted research and workshops on various aspects of counselling, including career development and technology integration in counselling. His dedication to the profession is evident through his numerous awards and recognitions, including the Malaysian National Book Award for Psychology 2022 for his work on cognitive psychology and counselling techniques in the Islamic Counselling context. With a career marked by significant achievements and a commitment to advancing the counselling profession, Professor Dr. Othman continues to be a leading figure in counsellor education and career development.
The philosophical underpinnings of ihsan instilled the attainment of righteousness, beneficence and compassion. The acronym IHSAN in this address connotes: I= Initiative; H = Hope; S = Strategic Sensitivity; A = Aptitude, Ahlaq and Aqal; N = Nuturing Naqli and Nafsiyyah. The engagement of disaster management relates upon a) Before the event of disaster and b) After the event of disaster. Embedded in the philosophy of ihsan belies the infrastructure of the emotions that would lead towards empowerment of active action, hope and aptitude of the strategic sensitivity of the volunteers. Ihsan itself is loaded in cultural diversity especially in the Malay World. Also, ihsan is spiritually connected with the Islamic counselling approach in Cognitive Psychology Ad Din. In this respect, the emphasis is upon the training of disaster volunteer providers especially amongst Registered & Licensed Counsellors and Non-Governmental NGOs volunteers. The practical reality of training ought to incorporate the cultural reality such that the psychological approach of HERO incorporating hope, efficacy, resilience and optimism could be instilled in the mindset of the volunteers. The essence of goodwill, integrity, sincerity, sacrifice, compassion, resilience, empathy, unconditional positive regard, genuineness are embedded in the amalan of futuwah. These are the integrative contents of futuwah incorporated in qalb, aqal, nafsiyyah and ahlaq as in Cognitive Psychology Ad Din.

28 October 2024- Monday — 10:45 AM
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Donny Hendrawan
Keynote Speech 3– International Speaker
Donny Hendrawan heads the Life Span Development Laboratory in the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia. He actively directs research on developmental psychology and executive function. As a psychologist, he is the chair of the expert council in the Clinical Psychology Association, under the coordination of the Indonesian Psychological Association. Donny holds a Master of Psychology in Neuropsychology and a Doctor of Psychology in Psychophysiology. Both were earned from Nagoya University, Japan, under the Japanese government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) scholarship. His scholarly pursuits are filled with reputable national and international publications. These are coupled with his experience as an editor and reviewer of both journal scopes. Among several research projects he is running, Donny is currently involved in a joint research project with Universitas Teknologi Malaysia on the post-disaster theme, supported by a research grant as part of a collaboration between Universitas Teknologi Malaysia and Universitas Indonesia. In the 15th APDCPC 2024, he will comprehensively present the result of this study as a part of his entire work.

26 October 2024- Saturday
Prof. Dr. Ji Yuan-Hong
Born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, graduated from Suzhou High School in Jiangsu Province, then studied in Japan. Obtained a master’s degree in Education from the University of Tsukuba, and a Ph.D. in Developmental Clinical Psychology from Nagoya University, both in Japan. Holds credentials as a clinical psychologist in Japan, serves as a director of the Japan Art Therapy Association, and is a registered supervisor of the Chinese Psychological Society. Currently a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of Clinical Psychology at Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Human Sciences, as well as the director of the Psychological Education and Counseling Center and the Student Psychological Center at Ritsumeikan University. Founded the “Cherry Blossom” Psychological Counseling Room in Osaka in 2022, providing psychological counseling services to Chinese residents in Japan.
Published works include: “Tree – Personality Projection Test” and “Picture Stories – Thematic Apperception Test”.

26 October 2024- Saturday
Prof. Dr. Lai Nien-Hwa
Nien-Hwa Lai received the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2002. She is a retired professor from the National Taipei University of Education, where she served as the department head and counselling centre director of the Department of Psychology and Counselling. She was a visiting professor at Ritsumeikan University in Japan and the University of Kentucky in the United States.
She is the former chairperson of the Taiwan Psychodrama Association for the 2nd and 5th terms, and chairperson of the 1st and 2nd terms of the Examination Committee. She is a licensed Counselling Psychologist in Taiwan. Additionally, she holds certifications as a Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner (TEP) from the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy (ABEPSGP), as well as the Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama Examining Board. She is also a Certified group leader and trainer in the Spiral Psychodrama Therapy Model in the United States.
Dr. Lai is the recipient of the “Innovator Award of 2023” from the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy Association, as well as the Lifetime Dedication Achievement Award from the Taiwan Psychodrama Association.
Combining psychodrama with her background in art therapy, she is dedicated to assisting trauma survivors, domestically abused women, and marginalized families, especially those with disabled members or issues related to suicide.
The ‘Drawing Speaks Disaster/Crisis: Psychological Debriefing Model’ utilizes theories from art therapy and crisis intervention to develop a model that uses art for psychological debriefing after crises and disasters. It is designed through six drawings to help people regain a sense of control from the initial chaos and return to calm from complex emotions by expressing through drawing to reduce internal defences. Through the leader’s reframing and the transformation in artistic creation, it helps people find new possibilities and meanings. This not only achieves the purpose of psychological education but can also be used for screening and assessing individuals who may need further assistance.

26 October 2024- Saturday
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Taro Akada
He suffered the Great Hanshin Earthquake in his third year of junior high school.
D. in Education. D. in Education, Clinical Psychologist. Licensed psychologist.
Provided psychological support in the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Kumamoto Earthquake.
In his educational activities, he created a stress rating scale for child care providers and earned a doctoral degree. He then expanded his field of research into human resource development for the general workforce, and founded his own EAP company, working on harassment, anger management and assertion training, and leadership coaching for organizational improvement.
He will participate in the conference as a board member and secretary-general of the Asian Society for Disaster Trauma Studies.
Topic: Anger Management and Anger Response Training Workshop
Abstract: Anger is an essential part of human nature, but it is also a frightening thing that can even destroy your life if mishandled. Anger management is a way to learn about the characteristics of anger and how to deal with it. In this workshop, participants will learn about a cognitive-behavioral therapeutic approach for people who are struggling with or suffering from anger. First, we will clarify how anger is dangerous and the causes of anger. Then we will assess your own anger. We will identify the stresses and cognitions that cause that anger. Finally, we will introduce and practice some techniques of anger management in practice.
This is effective not only for the general public, but also for children and parents.

27 October 2024- Sunday
Prof. Dr. Jun Madae
Biography :
Psychodrama TEP/Clinical psychologist/Professor in Muroran Institute of Technology
1962 – Birth in Sapporo
From 1992, Jun started to work in Red Cross Hospital in Hokkaido as Clinical Psychologist.On 2000,Mt Usu was erupted Then he was in charge of first systematic psychosocial support activities by Japan Red Cross Society. After this experience,he dedicated Psychosocial Movement of Japan Red Cross Society and many of researches, educational program and actual psychosocial support activities in domestic and international disaster were involved. He is certified Clinical Psychologist and Psychodrama TEP(Trainer ,Educator and Practitioner).Now he is a chair of Local Organizing Committee of 2025 Congress of International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process(IAGP) , a Board member of Japan Psychodrama Association(JPA),a Board member of Australia and Aotearoa Psychodrama Association, a member of International committee of Japan Association of Group Psychotherapy(JAGP) and a Board of Asia Disaster Trauma Association.
Workshop title; “Socio-Psychodrama for our world: Searching for Love & Peace in Global Crises”
Nowadays, we all face Crises in many aspects of our world. Our Crisis is not only Disaster but also War, Conflict between countries and within countries. Moreover, there are lots of problems, Food, Energy, Poverty, Climate Change in such an outer world. And also in our individual and daily life, there are lots of crises, discrimination, prejudice, isolation, abuse, Domestic violence, economic disparity and so on. All of these crises could induce traumatized events. We all are helpless to one another. But we all feel that all crises are serious problems for us in our world and our daily life. Where is the window of these crises to change? We are helpless, but we can imagine like John Lennon and we can hope. However, we often lose even to imagine and to hope.
Now I would like to explore what crises are faced now, how you deal with, how you connect each other with these crises and I would like to ask all of the participants what you imagine and hope. And I will ask you to create all of your imagination and hope concretely in this workshop experientially.

27 October 2024- Sunday
Mr. Seiji Suwa
Born in Hyogo Pref., Japan in 1960. Graduated from Okayama Univ. in 1982 and became a high school teacher. Five years after Kobe Earthquake (1995), a unique disaster course started at Maiko High School in Kobe in 2002. Had been the head of the course for 12 years. After retirement in 2017, became a lecturer and a visiting professor at universities. Now challenging to expand “disaster education” domestically and nationally. Started Japanese Society for Disaster Education in 2020 and became the president.
Title: Meaning and Impact of Telling Disaster Experiences and Sharing them among Participants
The young people affected by disasters started to talk their experiences. In this session we discuss the meaning of telling the tough experiences to other people, and clarify the style, the process, the expected effects to the story tellers.

28 October 2024- Monday
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samsiah Mohd Jais
Profesor Madya Dr. Samsiah Mohd Jais merupakan ahli akademik di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) Tanjong Malim, Perak. Beliau memiliki Ijazah Kedoktoran (Doctorate of Counselling) dari University of South Australia, Australia. Bidang pengkhususan beliau adalah dalam Kaunseling Kesihatan Mental yang mengkhusus kepada kaunseling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Beliau merupakan pengasas Program Pensijilan Kaunseling Kesihatan Mental Klinikal dan Program Pensijilan Kaunseling Krisis dan Trauma. Beliau banyak mengendalikan bengkel-bengkel dan latihan untuk meningkatkan kecekapan kaunselor dalam amalan kaunseling kesihatan mental, trauma dan krisis. Antara pencapaian beliau ialah menghasilkan Model Integratif Kaunseling Kesihatan Mental dan Trauma, Modul Kaunseling Trauma dan Kesihatan Mental (Manual Fasilitator dan Peserta), Monograf iTF-CBT: Inovasi dan Strategi Pencegahan Gangguan Mental dan laman web kaunseling trauma bersama e-kaunseling trauma (e-ktkm, http://kaunselingtrauma.upsi.edu.my/), buku Kaunseling Kesihatan Mental Klinikal, buku Pengurusan Krisis dan Trauma dan Modul Kaunseling Keganasan Domestik. Beliau telah memenangi anugerah emas untuk inovasi Kit Pendidikan Kaunseling Trauma dan Kesihatan Mental di peringkat antarabangsa dan beberapa penghargaan dari dalam dan luar negara. Beliau telah merintis bidang Kaunseling Kesihatan Mental Klinikal di Malaysia dan kini merupakan Ketua Program Sarjana Kaunseling Kesihatan Mental Klinikal di UPSI. Beliau merupakan kaunselor berdaftar dari Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia dan ahli klinikal berdaftar dan penerima pingat Setia Mahkota Pahang (SMP).
Trauma is a profound and often disruptive experience that can deeply impact an individual’s emotional, psychological, and physiological well-being. Addressing trauma effectively requires a nuanced understanding of its effects and the application of specialized counselling techniques. This workshop is designed to equip mental health professionals, counsellors, and support workers with foundational knowledge and practical skills to enhance their trauma counselling practices. At the end of the workshop participants will be able to understand the nature of trauma, including its definition, types, and impact on individuals; learn and apply the trauma-focused counselling techniques, including psychoeducation, cognitive-behavioral strategies, and relaxation methods; and trauma processing and narrative techniques. Participants will engage in role-playing scenarios and case study discussions to apply the techniques learned. This hands-on approach will help solidify understanding and improve practical skills in trauma counselling. Recognizing the emotional demands of trauma counselling, the workshop will also emphasize self-care strategies for counsellors and provide resources for ongoing professional development.

28 October 2024- Monday
Mdm. Chinatsu Haruhara
Title : The System and Role of School Counselors in Japan
Chinatsu Haruhara(Hyogo-Pref. school counselor)
Seiji Murakami(Hyogo-Pref. school counselor)
The school counselor system in Japan has been in place for nearly 30 years, starting with a pilot program in 1995, but the system and its role have changed over time.
In Japan, school counselors conduct psychological interviews with children and their parents and guardians, consult with teachers, train teachers, parents, and guardians, and develop educational programs for children, utilizing their expertise in clinical psychology. The role of school counselors is now diverse. Another role is responding to traumatic stress in disasters or accidents.
In this workshop, participants will have the unique opportunity to delve into the work of school counselors in Japan. They will gain insights into the various strategies and techniques these counselors employ to enhance the learning environment for children, not just within the confines of the interview room but across the entire school.

28 October 2024- Monday
Mr. Seiji Murakami
Title: Meaning and Impact of Telling Disaster Experiences and Sharing them among Participants
The young people affected by disasters started to talk their experiences. In this session we discuss the meaning of telling the tough experiences to other people, and clarify the style, the process, the expected effects to the story tellers.
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